Drunk Santa Card Game



Drunk Santa Says... Holiday Party Game

The naughty drinking card game where Drunk Santa requires you to compete against each other while Mrs. Claus busts your ass for being naughty. Vixen and Rudolph help you celebrate your past year’s misdeeds; while Mistletoe, Coal, and Evil Elf cards have you kissing, losing a turn or guiding the group like a sleigh.

Rules: Players sit in a circle and someone shuffles the cards and places them face down in the playing area. Players take turns in a clockwise order, selecting cards and reading them aloud. After reading a card, if the card is addressed to one person, the person who selected the card carries out the action. If it is addressed to the group, then the entire group carries out the action. Discards should be placed face up. Play continues clockwise until either the group is ready for a new game, or more modestly, after drinks have already been refilled and consumed by some of the players. If there is any question as to how to interpret a card or as to who should be given a drink assignment, it is up to the host of the party to make a final judgement call.

Game includes 53 poker-sized cards and rules.